Tag Archives: cutline

Tweaks and Changes

Please let me know if you have any problems navigating the Web site. I have updated my theme to a newer version and added a sitemap. Also, I changed some things around and added a new picture on the About page.

I put a Goodreads widget in the sidebar and removed my LibraryThing widget. I don’t actually use my LibraryThing profile because free users are limited to 200 books; however, Goodreads allows users to add as many books as they like. Feel free to add me as a friend if you have a Goodreads account.

I’m still having the 500 Error problem when I post. I am not sure what it is, but I’m wondering if it’s related to my theme. I have several other blogs that use some of the same plugins, and I don’t have the same issues. If anyone else is using the Cutline theme from WordPress and has noticed these problems, please let me know.

I need to get caught up on Write Beside Them so I can be a useful contributor at the wiki. Tomorrow!