WordPress 2.3

I have just upgraded to WordPress 2.3, and I am maily posting to check it out. I had to disable the feature that used to appear in my sidebar called “Most Popular Posts.” It was generated with a plugin called “Popularity Contest” that is broken for 2.3, and although the author has stated previously that it will no longer be supported, it looks like Alex plans to fix it, but it may be some time.

So far, I like some of the features. For instance, I receive notifications when plugins are updated right through my user interface, so I don’t have to check every once in a while to see if new versions are available. I also like the new implementation of tags. I am going to try to figure out how to import my SimpleTagsPlus tags so I don’t have to keep that plugin.

You can learn more about WordPress 2.3 at the development blog.

Update, 9:36: I’m having trouble getting the tagging to work. Hopefully, I can figure it out tomorrow.

Update, 8:29 on September 26: Well, I still can’t get it to work, so until the theme is either updated to integrate tags or someone is able to help me figure it out, I’m going to stick with SimpleTagsPlus. I am quickly becoming frustrating trying to guess where the line of code I’m supposed to add goes and which templates it goes in. Using the tagging feature saves me eleven keystrokes, so maybe it’s not worth the aggravation.

[tags]plugins, upgrade, wordpress[/tags]

6 thoughts on “WordPress 2.3”

  1. Hi Dana! I've always liked the clean and easy-to-read look of your site (I'm also a visual art and computer literacy teacher). I've subscribed to waaaay to many feeds and lists but I've been trying to keep up with yours because I like the look of it and of course, the content!

  2. Thanks Shayne! I am in love with this theme, and I will be so upset if I have to change it. Right now, I'm willing to accept some inconvenience until I can figure out how to use the tagging future.

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