Regular Posting: Your Ideas

I have finished the bulk of grad school: I have two semesters left and will be taking just three hours each semester. I also no longer have the additional duties of department chair. I want to resume something more like regular posting.

In the past, this blog has mainly concerned the following:

  • Reflections on professional reading and professional development.
  • Lesson sharing or reflection.
  • Discussion of issues in education.
  • Sharing tools and resources.
  • How-to’s (blogging, wikis, digital audio, notebooks, graphic organizers, etc.)

I think I might do well if I can try to make a regular posting schedule with features. I can’t promise regular posting with regards to professional reading because my reading schedule can be erratic—I tend to be a slow reader. That particular type of posting will probably have to be on an as-I-can-get-it-done basis rather than a regular schedule.

Assuming I commit to posting three days a week (leaving out Sundays when I post Diigo links), what would you most like to see? You are in no way limited to the examples of types of posts I mentioned above. Those were all I could think of.

10 thoughts on “Regular Posting: Your Ideas”

  1. My favorite posts by teacher-bloggers in general, you included, tend to be the classroom reflections.

  2. Lesson Sharing/Reflection, tools and resources, reflections on the classroom/classroom management, etc.

    Although the rest are great too. In the past, I really enjoyed the posts when you'd talk about things you did in the classroom, etc.

  3. The posts I find myself reading over and over again are the ones about background knowledge for books, like the one about pelisses in Jane Austen. I also like posts that talk about combining modern popular culture with capital-L literature, like Shakespeare and Lost Boys.

    Those are my favorites, at least. But classroom reflections are really interesting too. As I move out of my credentialing program and into a class of my own, my field of opinions will get smaller; I'd like to counteract that by reading as many reflections and insights as possible.

  4. I love everything you do, but look forward to the Diigo links the most. Thanks for pulling together such great info from around the web!

  5. I would be interested in hearing your latest thoughts about teaching grammar (I'm looking at the Weaver & Noden book covers as I write!)

  6. Well, I may not be teaching 9th grade next year, which is when our big grammar push takes place, and if that's the case, I probably won't be posting about it. We tend to limit grammar teaching in 10-12 to writing/composition only.

  7. Thanks! I didn't used to send the links to my blog because they appear in the sidebar, but then I realized most people are probably reading via RSS and miss them. If you think my links are good, make sure you check out Langwitches. Hers are amazing.

  8. I'm glad those were helpful. Lots of research!

    I am still saddened that the Lost Boys and the Georgia Renaissance Festival haven't mended their rift. They were my favorite part! At least we have the CD's.

  9. I may have some trouble with reflection during the summer months, but perhaps if we combined lesson sharing and reflection into one category, I could begin some kind of regular feature on it.

  10. *Teaching reflections when school is in.

    *Lesson plans and "all your ideas you keep coming up with" all the time and in the summer. I notice you're really productive on these in summer and near the end/beginning of semesters. Me too.

    *I'd like more on your life with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders…if that's something you're willing to share more with us about. I'm a special ed teacher, starting my doc in the fall. Being able to in some way relate to or understand some of what life is like at home is REALLY significant in influencing how I engage with these students and their parents.

    *Your use of technology isn't something I integrate well into my classroom, but you give so many gems that I sometimes use, adapt, OR pass on to our Assistive Technology person at the county. So keep them coming!

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