I’ve said this every year, but I’ll say it again: you sure can tell when school starts again around this blog. Anyway, our students come back on Wednesday, and my own children went back today, so I feel like we’re all back in the saddle.
Meanwhile, I’ve had a few new visitors coming by looking for UbD information, and I thought I’d make it easier for you. First, these are my “reading journals” for Understanding by Design in which I reflected on what I was reading and posted here:
- Introduction
- Backward Design
- Understanding Understanding
- Gaining Clarity on Our Goals
- The Six Facets of Understanding
- Essential Questions
- Crafting Understandings
- Thinking Like an Assessor
- Criteria and Validity
- Planning for Learning
- Teaching for Understanding
- The Design Process
- The Big Picture: UbD as Curriculum Framework]
- “Yes, But” and Afterword
Of course, I invite and encourage any interested teachers to join us at the UbD Educators wiki to share and obtain feedback on unit plans (or perhaps borrow those shared by others).
Meanwhile, once I get back in the swing of my schedule, I should have more time to write, although I start grad school on the 25th, which I imagine will make me busy again.