I admit to a feeling of real despair in my last post. So many Americans, so many children, have died due to senseless gun violence, and people in power do not seem to care. In the days since I wrote that post, however, I am feeling more hopeful. This girl is one major reason why.

If you haven’t heard her amazing speech in its entirety, you need to listen. CNN isn’t allowing me to embed, so head over to their site to watch and come back.
Anyone who works with young people knows they are capable of organizing. I really think that politicians need to watch out. These kids are marching, and soon they’ll be voting, and then they’ll be running for office. My friend Jennifer Ansbach captured this generation well:
I love that people on here doubting that teens are in charge of this movement. I promise you, their SM game is way ahead of yours, even if you have “influencer” in your Twitter bio. Mock them at your own risk. Doubt them at your own risk. I work with teens. They’ve had enough.
— Jennifer Ansbach (@JenAnsbach) February 19, 2018
They know what they’re doing. Again, Jennifer’s tweet captures what many of us who work with teenagers know:
I’m not sure why people are so surprised that the students are rising up—we’ve been feeding them a steady diet of dystopian literature showing teens leading the charge for years. We have told teen girls they are empowered. What, you thought it was fiction? It was preparation.
— Jennifer Ansbach (@JenAnsbach) February 19, 2018
Emma González is not the only one of her classmates to speak out, either. David Hogg. Cameron Kasky. They are speaking out.
The adults had better watch out. These kids have started a revolution.
“Hope” is the thing with feathers—That perches in the soul—And sings the tune without the words—And never stops—at all—Emily Dickinson, Fr. 314
I’ll be marching with them on March 24. Will you?
I am recently retired, but my heart bleeds for this school and all across the country, I loved my students, and I can’t imagine the pain and grief this community is experiencing. Blessings and my activity in gun control has increased.