Book Club Suspended: Falling in Love with Close Reading

The post on chapters 1 and 2 has been up over a week with very little activity in the comments. I think folks are busy going back to school and perhaps don’t have the time they thought they might have to engage in an online book club. I have so much I must read to prepare for the coming school year, and it seems as though the best idea is to suspend the book club.

Perhaps we can start a book club up after the school year begins in earnest and things have settled down for everything.

One thought on “Book Club Suspended: Falling in Love with Close Reading”

  1. Dana:
    I would love to enter the discussion on Close Reading as soon as we get going next week with school. I am going to try and present this book as a choice for our department PD. Each of us gets to present a book and I have really enjoyed your commentary and will be excited to enter the conversation…

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