My Classroom

I took some pictures of my classroom in our new building.

This is the view outside my window:

Outside View

As you can see, we still have some construction going on.  You can see a piece of the baseball field.  The building is our gym, which is still under construction.  It doesn’t look as pretty through my camera as it does when I look out, but I have pretty view of the hills and trees.

This is my desk:

My Desk

I was lesson planning.  Ms. George, can you see my Jim Burke Teacher’s Daybook under the curriculum unit book?

This is the view toward the front of the room from my desk.  You can see my projection screen, which is pulled down over my SMART Board.

Front of Room

This last picture is a view of the back of the room, including my then-empty bulletin board, student desks, and book shelves.  This was is kind of blurry.

Back of Room

Isn’t everything shiny?

6 thoughts on “My Classroom”

  1. OK – it’s all nice and shiny, and I DON’T want to detract from your enjoyment of it. I DO want to ask a question: why do you need a screen over the top of the smart-screen? Is it just to increase the reflectivity of the wall, of would you have had equally valid projectionability without the additional screen?

  2. I e-mailed Amerloc to explain, but in case anyone else cares, there were some installation errors. I don't currently have my SMART Board software, and the board itself is kind of glossy, so I put the screen down. It probably doesn't really matter, though. I could project on the SMART screen, I guess.

  3. Gorgeous classroom! Wow, I wish I had had a classroom like that when I was in high school. And I just graduated two years ago. :/

  4. What a beautiful space! My view is of pine trees with lots of critters that help to keep road noise down and the view toward the powerlines obscured. Yes, I caught the Daybook:) How many of your teacher-friends have commented about it? Everywhere I go it draws attention.

    By the way, your bookshelves are way too neat. I am jealous.

  5. I love your classroom. What's funny is that for all the amazing technology you have, I'm most jealous of the individual student desks with detached chairs. I can see how they're shaped to facilitate pairing and grouping, something near to impossible (without students contorting themselves to get in and out) with the desk/chair attachment. I've only once been in a school that had those detached chairs – 10 years ago!

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